Barbara Segal performs and teaches Renaissance Dance from the 15th & 16th centuries. Here she dances a Saltarelo to the accompaniment of pipe and tabor.
Medieval Banquet in Castle, Thun, Switzerland
Barbara often takes part in period masques, originally peformed for the entertainment of royalty and their courtiers, and still enjoyed today. Here she plays Mercury in a 17th century masque.
Mercury in a 17th century Masque
Early Renaissance, 15th century Dance & Music, performed in costume with period instruments can provide just the right ambience for an important dinner or event.
5th century Dance & Music
Tom Slye’s Revenge provides lively Renaissance music, as musical accompaniment for dance groups, as background sound for public or private events, or simply for listening. The group is named for the unjustly forgotten Tom Slye, the intrepid pipe and tabor man who played for Will Kemp, the Elizabethan actor, when he danced from London to Norwich in 1600.
Tom Slye’s Revenge